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Top 5 Best Oils for Healthy Lushes Hair

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

By: Angelina Geoftsidis

For this blog, I will be talking about the top 5 oils that will promote hair growth, silky and soft hair.

As many of you know hair oils are amazing, they work wonders on your hair. They also play a huge role in how it is presented, most hair oils reduce static and frizz, and help dry hair by giving it extra moisture if the hair cannot produce its own.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an amazing oil for your hair and scalp, especially if you have curly hair. All together coconut oil provides you great moisture, seals your hair cuticles to prevent your hair from being frizzy, and prevents your hair from getting split ends.

Coconut oil has vitamin E and K also contains minerals such as iron, which is why this oil is so good for you. For a disclaimer, not all oils will work for your hair, the majority of people who have used coconut oil in their hair have mentioned the amazing outcomes it has provided, but some have not seen so great outcomes, it all just depends on the hair type you obtain.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil comes in second place, this oil is very high in antioxidants content which will help maintain the scalp and the health of your hair. This oil will also help your hair by preventing it from cell damage while it nourishes and conditions your hair by repairing your hair follicles at the same time. Olive oil contains Vitamin E and K, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The vitamin E in olive oil will make your hair stronger, prevent hair loss, and lastly, it is known to repair split ends.

3. Argan Oil

Argan Oil is coming in at 3d place for the top 5 oils for healthy hair. Argan oil is a great oil for hair, it promotes hair growth, moisturizing benefits to hair, reduces hair breakage and split ends, and lastly prevents hair loss.

Argan oil is very rich in vitamin E which is why the oil provides a fatty layer to your ends and scalp that prevents the hair from getting dry, and frizzy, this creates a shine of boost and moisture in the hair.

4. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a very nourishing oil, it softens your hair and makes it stronger. This oil is highly rich in vitamin B-7, did you know that almond oil is a natural scalp treatment that can prevent the scalp from getting sun-damaged. It's a great oil to put on your scalp if you're going anywhere that the sun will be beaming on your head, for example, the beach! Almond oil is also known for leaving a great shine to the hair which is why it is a popular oil.

5. Castor Oil

Castor oil is an amazing oil because it lubricates the hair shaft, increasing the flexibility of your hair so breakage doesn't occur.

Castor oil is great for many people that experience dandruff which is a common condition that causes the scalp to be dry and flaky.

Castor oil leaves hair to grow healthy and strong with the rich vitamin E it contains plus all the minerals, using castor oil will be an amazing nourishing oil that your hair will fall in love with.

Those were the top 5 oils for having healthy long lushes hair, I hope everyone enjoyed reading the benefits of each oil that I ranked from number one to five. Please like and give me some feedback on your favorite oil out of them all.



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